
VPPPA Region VII Committee Guidelines

All committees shall establish meeting times and dates and follow all requirements for committees as outlined in Article III “Committees of Directors” of Region VII current By-Laws and as may be amended in future By-Laws. Committee Leads shall report back to the Board, on a monthly basis, the progress made by the committee the previous month. Committees shall have the latitude to adjust resources as deemed necessary to achieve intended goals. Each committee shall establish a purpose statement and intended goals.

Awards & Recognition

Committee Objective

Establish a method for recognizing outstanding performance by both individuals and VPP sites -New VPP Sites, Star Among Stars, and Scholarship.


Committee Objective

Review and revise Region VII By-Laws as deemed necessary to better serve the full membership. Use other Regions as a model and the National By-Laws draft revisions. Newly revised By-Laws will be submitted to the Board for initial review and comment, then sent to the full membership for review and comment. Once the full membership has reviewed and commented, the By-Laws Committee will compile and submit the final draft to the board for distribution to the full membership for approval.

Bill Turner – NuStar Energy
Board Co-Sponsor

Bret Skellenger – Cardinal IG
Board Co-Sponsor
Director-at-Large #4


Committee Objective

Maintain website and keep up to date with current information like meeting minutes, treasurer reports, workshop information, and other important information. Establish and maintain a distribution/e-mail list of all VPP sites in Region VII and all classifications of VPPPA members. Work with VPP Managers and National to gather information. Work to keep this list evergreen.

Kathy French – Parker Hannifin
Board Sponsor
Board Vice Chairperson

Dominick McWhirt – GE Aerospace
Board Co-Sponsor
Director-At-Large #3

Conference Planning

Committee Objective

Work to include Location of Conference, Exhibitors/Vendors, Sponsors, Workshops, Speakers, Awards, Events, Logistics, Etc. Resources should be added as deemed necessary by the committee.

Bill Turner – Nustar Energy
Board Co-Sponsor

Denise Gordon – Parker Hannifin
Board Co-Sponsor
Labor Representative

Registration Desk

Have registration tables set to best accommodate flow. Work with Registrar to coordinate our requirements and expectations.

Sammy Smith – Board Sponsor/Treasurer

Eric Befort – Board Co-Sponsor/Labor Representative With A CBA


Solicit workshops for conference, select appropriate workshops, assign rooms and room monitors, select speaker gifts, prepare for Application Workshop and Maintaining Star Quality Workshop, etc.

Bill Turner – Board Co-Sponsor/Chairperson

Bret Skellenger – Board Co-Sponsor/Director-At-Large #4

Audio Visual

Acquire necessary AV equipment from hotel. Develop business meeting and general session presentations.

Dominick McWhirt – Board Sponsor/Director-At-Large



Decide what the food and drink requirements will be for the conference along with proper quantities.

Carol Schwartzkopf – Volunteer and Guidance

Kathy French – Board Sponsor

Bags and Stuffers

Seek out something unique to use as conference bags. Find all materials to be used as stuffers.

Kathy French – Board Sponsor/Vice Chairperson

Denise Gordon – Board Sponsor/Labor Representative

Brochure/Conference At-A-Glance

Design and have all publications ready for conference.

Steve Donovan – Board Sponsor


Establish contract, solicit, assign booths, coordinate with exhibitors, etc.

Brent Nelson – Board Sponsor/Director-At-Large #5


Committee Objective

Work to promote the VPPPA throughout Region VII. Endeavor to have all VPP sites in Region VII to become full members of the VPPPA and work closely with the Communication Committee in establishing contact information.

Meghan Moberly – Cintas
Board Sponsor/Secretary

Kathy French – Parker Hannifin
Board Co-Sponsor/Vice Chairperson


Committee Objective

Establish companies/individuals willing to participate in the mentoring process from each state in Region VII. The lead person for the committee will be the Mentoring Coordinator working with National. When the VPP Managers from OSHA need mentoring for a company, they will contact the committee lead for a resource. The representative from that state will be contacted and have a list of willing participants to work with those sites requesting mentoring. Committee members are eligible to participate in mentoring as well.

Kathy French – Parker Hannifin
Board Co-Sponsor

Denise Gordon – Parker Hannifin
Board Co-Sponsor


Committee Objective

The committee is responsible for seeking nominations for open Board positions. This committee will send out, receive and review voting protocols for all nominees. All VPPPA Full Member sites will be notified who the candidates are and how the voting process is handled at the Regional Conference.

Bill Turner – NuStar Energy
Board Sponsor

Kathy French – Parker Hannifin
Board Co-Sponsor
Vice Chairperson


Committee Objective

Establish list of potential sponsors, make personal contact to solicit donations and have promotional information ready for conference.

Brent Nelson – Bayer
Board Sponsor


Committee Objective

Establish locations, dates, sponsors, required materials, etc., for all workshops (not including conference workshops). This committee will promote, set up and coordinate application workshops, sustaining star quality workshops, SGE workshops, and any other type workshop deemed important to all VPP sites within Region VII.

Bill Turner – NuStar Energy
Board Sponsor